In the Future…
There will be no gas or electric ranges or ovens. People will cook specially prepared foods in intelligent microwave-based cooking devices called ECDs (Electronic Cooking Devices). The packaging of the food will be designed specifically for the type of food being prepared, and will communicate to the cooking device the status of the food.
The cooking device will be connected to the internet, and will collect nutritional information which will be tied into your Peleton bicycle, Weight Watchers account and social media. It will also be monitored closely by your healthcare, health insurance and homeowners insurance providers and employer.
One of the reasons for this evolution of food preparation is that insurance companies will charge astronomical premiums for those who own a traditional stove. Uncontrolled cooking will result in risk to insurance companies due to health decline, and stove-related house fires. Employers will rate human capital based on performance and health potential.
You will pay a monthly subscription fee to use the ECD, which will constantly update the cooking profile for each food. If the subscription lapses, the ECD will only allow you to prepare fresh food, for which it will also have profiles. However, when preparing fresh food, the information gathered on the food being prepared (the ECD will know from its sensors), is stored in the device and sent by telemetry to drive-by autonomous vehicles designed to collect such data. This data will be provided to insurance companies, and the resulting increase in premiums would be greater than the subscription cost.