I’m new to Medium but not to blogging, and I thought I’d open with a little bit about me.
The title I give myself independent of whatever my current role is may be considered fairly wide; Analyst/Architect. Architect, because I’m passionate about creating things, and Analyst, because I’m concerned with how these creations come to be in an effective way. UX is the field in which I have landed, as this skill set seems well suited for this profession.
“Ask Dreux the time, and he’ll tell you how to build a [watch]”, says my wife. I’ve since changed “clock” to “watch”, because I seem to have developed an affinity for them. So yes, much to the dismay of others, I do tend to analyze everything to one extent or another. I set out having a passion for and studying design, but the right side of my brain won out, and so I support the arts by understanding the purpose they serve, and how to help them to be most effective.
I have always been passionate as well about photography, and those fascinating devices that make it possible. I try to keep my love of cameras as separate as I can from that of photography, since they are really just a means to an end, and any good photographer will tell you that cameras don’t make photographs, people do.
Before joining Medium, I was stubbornly on Blogger, which seems to have gone the way of the dinosaur. Hard to imagine this destiny for a Google product, but there you have it. It had evolved more into a website than a blog, and blogging is really all about community. The way to get followers is to be in the right place at the right time, and Medium seems to be a much better place.
Follow me, and I will share my thoughts on life in general and a number of other topics including but not limited to art, automobiles, bicycling, cameras, cooking, food, design, hiking, naturism, photography, user experience and watches.